Early Diagnosis For Prostate Cancer
Thursday, September 20th, 2012In my June 26, 2012 blog, “PSA Test is the answer for now!” I suggested that PSA testing was important.
The NATIONAL PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS MONTH brings us FOX Channel’s doctors under the title “House call with Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld” on TV program that aired September 16, 2012. The two doctors discussed PSA testing and emphasized “DIAGNOSE EARLY“ and the important role that PSA testing plays.
Loma Linda’s Proton facility filled in the blanks and now that they have over 11,745 patients treated at their Proton facility for prostate cancer alone it might be a good idea to get a proton expert at Loma Linda in on the conversation that to me seems widely “income oriented” rather than finding the best tests and treatment for men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Bob Marckini, my close friend, has a widely read book You Can Beat Prostate Cancer And You Don’t Need Surgery To Do It. This is a valuable book and when Bob finishes his new book it will expand your knowledge.
Go to this page (click here) and watch the videos – you will learn a lot about Protons and Loma Linda and can apply much of what you learn to the new “Proton Treatment Centers” that have come on line to date.
The remarkable “Protons” are here to stay and PSA tests will help you decide when to take control and get this treatment!