Hurray – 10 Year Anniversary! Cancer Free
Wednesday, August 26th, 2009TREATMENT FOR PROSTATE CANCER
These are the facts:
- Completed Proton Treatment for Prostate cancer on August 27, 1999.
- For the last six years my PSA has stabilized at 0.1.
- I’ve been here for the birth of two new Granddaughters.
- My Doctor, who is a General Practitioner, handles my PSA at annual physicals, and I have never had to return to my Urologist who diagnosed my Prostate Cancer.
- I’ll be 80 years old in February 2010 and spend my spare time telling other men and women about Protons.
In the meantime, Proton skills and equipment have improved; new Proton Centers have been established in Houston, TX. Bloomington, Indiana. Jacksonville, Florida, and Mass General Hospital, on MA.
Proton centers are opening in Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, South Florida, West Chicago, and Hampton University in Virginia and others.
Cost is discussed often however, do not be dissuaded since all the men I have talked to in the last ten years who had other treatments from Surgery, to Seeds , and many forms of X-Ray radiation from IMRT to Cyber – knife spend a lot of time visiting their Urologist at considerable follow-on costs that I DO NOT HAVE. At this writing Medicare pays.
Just one final thought, we help to insure that advances in treatment are not “Stymied” and the Basic Research Money continues to flow.
I am happy, I HAVE NO SIDE EFFECTS ten years since treatment. Want to discuss? e-mail me at and read the “Links” on my web site.