Who is Selling What?
Sunday, January 24th, 2010I have never been satisfied that anything works better for Prostate cancers that are not metastatic (and if localized) than Protons.
So I asked my friend Jerry Klein, master of photography, and who has a Ph.D. in Chemistry, who was treated for Prostate cancer in 2000 at Loma Linda what he had to say. The following are his observations:
“I find the IMRT thing a scam. It is X-Ray treatment and they have renamed and repackaged it make it sound new and dodge the reputation of X-Ray treatment. Proton treatment of the prostate dissipates 70% of the radiation in the gland and targeted margins, a much higher percentage than X-Rays or any other neutral radiation. This is enormously significant because safety limits the amount of radiation that our bodies can tolerate.
The sad tale of neutron radiation treatment at Stanford University attests to dangers of too high dosages…neutral radiation is not special! And don’t let anyone scam you into believing that the treatments you are considering have anything like the low side effects of protons or higher or even comparable cure rates.
I have never encountered any proton patients with stories comparable to those that I get from those who had these other treatments.
The side effects are terrible and affect quality of life forever. When I was being treated patients were there for salvage after failed surgery, cryo, etc. They all wished they had chosen protons. If you have metastatic disease none of the treatments that you mention will provide a cure…yes, there are therapies that have promise, but none that I know of that really stop the disease. And if the disease is localized cures are almost certainly 100%. It would be nice if a test that absolutely determines whether the disease is localized exists, but so far as I know there is none.
The scams all have their origin in the enormous profits that are on the table. So many urologists continue to call proton therapy experimental, unproven, dangerous…so sad, so unprofessional, so common and flat out unethical.
-Jerry Klein (Ph. D., Chemistry)”
Back to statements I have made in the past, it is the responsibility of Urologists and other Doctors to know all viable treatments that are available so the patient can make his own decision on the right treatment for him.
On the 27th of January 2010 I will complete 10 years and five months of success due to the professional experts at Loma Linda University and Medical Center and my fine Doctor Carl Rossi – without any side effects!
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