Archive for November, 2005

Dr. Patrick Walsh’s guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer

Monday, November 21st, 2005

I’m glad Dr. Walsh did not publish this particular book until after I had already completed Proton Radiation for Prostate Cancer at Loma Linda. He sells Radical Prostatectomy.
This is a very informative book copyright 2001, makes some great points for all men diagnosed with Prostate Cancer ie;
1. Educate yourself, especially about doctors who treat Prostate Cancer.
2. On page 183 points out two points of view; surgery vis a vis watchful
3. Importance of “Diet” – Asian men are at low risk “until they move to the
United States.” Explains some of the reasons why diet is so important!
4. Dr. Walsh’s first “nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy, was on April 26,
1982 and from this baseline explains what to look for in a Surgeon. “Often”
is one of his key words – a surgeon that does this particular surgery several
days a week.
5. He suggests getting a second opinion and finally;
Even he has a clear disclaimer to start the book.

Lots of detailed, good information that generally ignores the Proton, (word “proton” minor mention in the index), indicating that someone failed to do some easy research by talking to the professionals at Loma Linda. By the time this book was published Loma Linda had almost “Ten years” of experience with the Proton and now they have “Fifteen”.
Dr. Walsh’s book (462 pages) speaks of Radical Prostatectomy as the “gold standard” for survival however, from my point of view, I had NO INVASION, AND GOLD STANDARD RESULTS.

Jim Tuggey
Nov. 21, 2005