The Dutch Are Embracing Protons

Posted by Jim Tuggey on October 1st, 2013 — Posted in General, Proton Facilities

Bob Marckini revealed that the Dutch Government plans to build FOUR Proton Therapy Centers in the Netherlands. They report that the essence of the use of Protons will be where they have proven effective and that includes, head-and-neck, breast, lung, and prostate tumors. To me it appears that the Dutch are aware of value where it is evident, and they are moving to save some lives and improve the methods to achieve this goal.

And – Ohio plans to build a Proton Center in Dayton, as well as one in Miami Township.

Be sure to find a copy of Bob Tales (a monthly newletter) that will help you understand how important the “Proton” is today and will be in the future.

My friend Bob Marckini knows what he is publishing in his “BOB Tales” and believe me you need to know that my comments above were generated directly from the research and follow-up by the Marckini, Bob and Deb team.

In 1958 I was fortunate to command a Helicopter Company in Fort Sill, Oklahoma that taught me to always try to find an answer that is truthfull and will help others.


Thank you for reading. Keep looking at the many “Videos” on this site – I always learn a lot from them.


Comment by Anney John

Good post. Good to know that Ohio is building a proton center.

Posted on October 21, 2013 at 2:13 am

Comment by Cancer Care

Nice Information.

Posted on February 5, 2014 at 1:31 am

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