The Edge Of Medicine
What a great Christmas gift to be cancer free at the start of 2009 when in August 2009 I will complete ten cancer free years.
Dr. Hanson’s book “The Edge Of Medicine” has so many of my tabs in it that I’ve had to color code them for my personal priorities. His enthusiasm for the new Roberts Proton Therapy Center, in the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine at the Hospital for the University of Pennsylvania is exciting and reflects the growing truths about this wonderful medical capability.
His statement: “In fact, one of the advantages of proton therapy over standard x-rays is that the proton beam’s radiation so thoroughly ravages the tumor’s DNA that it’s ordinary repair mechanisms are completely ineffective.” My information from Loma Linda is that the proton hits the cancer cell hard and destroys it’s DNA. The result is that the DNA ladder reconstructs with a normal non-cancerous cell.
My trip last month to Loma Linda was re-assuring as they continue to expand the uses of the Proton and lead the way in experience with patients treated.
My key point is related to my experience –
– I do not have prostate cancer.
– I do not have any side effects.
– My current PSA is 0.1
ASK your doctor about Protons and if he doesn’t know about them contact me and I’ll insure that you get an answer from someone who does know and has the information so you can make your own choice.
Protons are the best choice for medical treatment I have ever made in my life!
Jim Tuggey
December 26, 2008