2014 and My 84th Birthday is here and 85th due in Feb 2015
Long ago when I started this web site, I decided to do it for free and only feature my own experiences with Protons and the experiences of other Proton treated Cancer survivors, both men and women.
If you have been treated with Protons for any cancer, I would welcome your comments. The interesting fact is that we started with one busy source in the USA (Loma Linda) and now our country has more than 20 treatment centers.
My wife of 59 years passed away in January 2014 and I can assure you that she was an advocate for using Protons as we saw more and more success.
The bottom line is that Protons have allowed me this victory over “Prostate Cancer” and I have seen the birth of a young lady in our family and two more children.
My thanks goes out to Bob Marckini and his daughter, who get the latest information to us. My treatment was with Dr. Carl Rossi at Loma Linda and his wonderful Case Manager at the time Sharon. These folks and many others made sure that the Proton did the job and it’s hard to remember that it was over on August 27, 1999.
The awards from Healthline stating that we had two separate “Blogs” due to excellence, reflecting on Mr. Jay Rolls, my nephew, who provides his business and technical genius that allows me to get the word out there to all of you.
I hope the rest of 2014 and the arrival of 2015 move this effort ever forward and I can answer with confidence emails from potential patients and add to the great and detailed information now available, including the Videos on this website.
PS – I still have NO side effects from the Proton since treatment in 1999.
Comment by Dave Ellis
Congrats Jim
I was treated at Hampton University Proton in Hampton Va July 2013.
42 Treatments for PSA 5.5 and Gleason 6
1 core of 12 W 5% in that one core.
A year post treatment and my PSA has not dropped as hoped 5.5 to 3.2 to 1.9 and last one in June was 2.2. Several of the guys treated during my treatment are already down to .08 . Im really concerned and scheduled for next in October. Glad you are doing well actually great and you give us balloon buddies hope for the future.
Dave Ellis
Posted on August 9, 2014 at 11:43 am