Independence from Cancer

Posted by Jim Tuggey on July 5th, 2010 — Posted in General

I am so happy to report that I have reached another 4th of July and celebrate our “Independence” that has made our country great.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has an interesting article under their site reported by Melinda Beck; The Prostate Cancer Quandary. The article explains the dilemma for the doctors and scientists in separating aggressive cancers from those that may not ever need treatment.

However, the question, “what do I do today?” is what the men who call or e-mail me ask. The psychological impact on the “recently diagnosed” is not answered by what will be done or could be accomplished in the future.

If I am a good example, almost eleven years (Aug 27th) post treatment without side effects, of what the Proton can do and I know many men who have had success with Protons, I still wonder why it is ignored by so many doctors.

Despite this concern, we still need research of the type cited in the WSJ article and everyone who can, should see that the research scientists and doctors are funded to continue their efforts. Loma Linda works with many experts outside their community and call on the best brains in the world to provide input to their studies.

In the next two Blog posts you will hear from friends of mine who have had Proton treatment for their Prostate cancer at Loma Linda, one very recently and one a few years ago, and I hope that they serve to expand your knowledge of this remarkable Proton treatment breakthrough that has helped so many men, women and children combat cancer over the past 19 years.

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